Sorry for leaving everybody hanging.
I was so burnt out from the process that I fled to the comfort of
Hogtown for a much needed vacation.
Now that I'm back and I have some perspective on those 48 hours, I'll try to make some sense of it all.
Our genre was horror, our prop was bubble wrap, our line was "It's just like my mother always told me." , and we had to have a character named Bob or Barbara Jones.
We had a great crew of volunteers to help out. Unfortunately, I'm not sure they knew what they were getting themselves into.
We had a great time, and pulled some hellacious allnighters wrasslin' with this beast.
It was fun, frustrating, and like all short/intense relationships, ultimately a heartbreaker.
To make a long story short, Team Daydreamthief did technically complete a film in 48 hours, although we missed the deadline to turn in our project by about 20 minutes.
Because we missed the deadline, our film was not eligible for the contest. Bummer.
Bummer may be the wrong word. The film we turned in was by no means a completed project. More like a very very rough draft.
I'll post some more notes on this experience and I'll try to get a copy of our movie up on the web to pick apart as a lesson in how not to make a movie.